Are You Ready?

In recent weeks I have seen a noticeable trend on my social media pages as folks have begun posting images of them stirring Christmas pudding recipes and mincemeat usually at the point when copious amounts of brandy are being added. They are dusting off their calligraphy pens to write their hand-crafted cards whilst adding the finishing touches to some glittering angel wings or embroidered tailored robe in time for the school nativity.

Such super-organised families will celebrate a perfect and harmonious festive period with every detail scheduled to the last minute. Ah, the bliss, the peace, the gathering for the monarch’s Christmas broadcast, (the brightly coloured Excel spreadsheet which controls it all).

On behalf of everyone else though may I issue my own Christmas message?

Please know that we all hate you. Hate you and loath you with every fibre of our beings. We have nothing but contempt for such mega-efficiency. I bet you’re the sort of people who iron your underpants aren’t you?

Well, I, for one, am not ready. Christmas for me is still an event on the distant horizon, not something galloping towards us like a runaway horse bearing down on us within a matter of weeks. I can honestly say that I have done absolutely no preparations for the big day yet (and am unlikely to get round to thinking about it for a couple of weeks either). At the current rate when my kids come to stay over, I may need to ask them to bring a packed lunch.

As for presents, I think I have exhausted the number of times I can gift a pair of novelty socks. But as for alternatives, I don’t have a clue.

Or do I?

What could be better than the gift of a new skill? Or the development of an existing one? A chance to learn something which might possibly, even eventually save your life. Or maybe that of someone else.  Certainly, something which will give you a way to meet with new friends, to encourage and support each other in a totally non-competitive environment. If you wish, you could take on new challenges and push yourself further than you ever thought possible. Alternatively, it might just be a new way in which you come to appreciate the true joy of a slice of Dundee cake on a damp riverbank or a freshly made bacon butty in a carpark.

What could this Nirvana possibly be? This gateway into a new and exciting world? I strongly suspect that you are somewhat ahead of me at this point and already know the answer.

So, if you know someone who has an interest in swimming and who wants to learn more – maybe it’s even yourself – why not approach your local SwimMastery instructor and book up a few lessons?  I guarantee you will be amazed at the progress you will be able to make in only a few short weeks. Their expertise will provide guidance, feedback, and in-depth analysis every step of the way. Look on the SwimMastery website ( to find your nearest coach.

And if you are a coach reading this, maybe now is the perfect time to get out there waving the banner and attracting new clients. New Year’s Resolutions are about to be made. Let’s capitalise on this opportunity to spread the word and spread the joy!  For the right person, swimming lessons could be the perfect Christmas gift.

Sure beats a pair of novelty socks.


Let’s put some Razzmatazz into swimming!


Ready, re-set...go