Triathletes: A special breed of swimmer
It is not unusual for a strong runner and cyclist to be a relatively poor swimmer. Often they are looking for a “quick fix” to their problems.
Taking responsibility for safety
Most people have very little idea which movements are likely to be harmful and which aren't.
Summoning The Genie of Fluidity
If you concentrate too hard on achieving the seemingly impossible, it will remain just that; impossible
Coach Profile - Claire Sutton, Swimfinity
I love video analysis, 30minute lessons showing the progress people make is really motivating. Taking a splashy, panicky front crawl swimmer to a calm relaxed smooth swimmer is the favourite part for me.
Swimming - what really matters...
SwimMastery is all about making connections. Connections in the body when we're in the water to ensure that we are moving as one coordinated unit. But connections are equally important out of the water.
Why learning from the best is not always a good idea.
A study in the US showed that a whopping 91% of swimmers aged between 13 and 25 reported at least one episode of shoulder pain. It's a shocking and completely avoidable statistic. Make sure you are not studying and copying habits which may lead you to add to those figures.